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Join 21 experts who are successful in many different types of businesses with animals 

(dog massage, horse behaviorist, animal Reiki, Veterinarians, shop owners and more!). 

During this FREE summit, they will share thier secrets to forging a success in 

ANY business working with animals.

Whether you currently have a business or are thinking of starting one,

THIS summit is for YOU!

This summit goes LIVE March 6-10, 2023.

When you sign up, you will recieve a confirmation email. 

When the summit begins, you will get an email for each day with the new featured daily speakers. 

The daily content will be released 6:30 am, Eastern Standard Time and 




Day 1. Monday, March 06, 2023

(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Wed. March 8 at 6:31 am, EST)

Make Yourself Known to Grow Your Business - Practical tips to get your business recognized!​

Dr. Judy Morgan

Integrative Veterinarian, acupuncturist, chiropractor, food therapist, author, and speaker.

Jumping off the Deep End - Tapping into your own, unique Gifts.

Stormy May

Expert on the Horse and Human Bond

Flexability + Balance = Success - An invaluable tool for business and life.

Thom Somes & Cindy Buzas

Founders of Pet Tech

3 Tips for Building a Successful Team - How to create a team that will fully support your business.

Ruby Balaram

CEO and Founder of Real Dog Box

Day 2. Tuesday, March 07, 2023

(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Thursday, March 9 at 6:31 am, EST)

Don't think and Grow Rich - How to serve with a whole heart, embrace the spirit of money and claim your entrepreneurial power.

Sarah-Jane Farrell

International Trauma Informed Life Coach, Animal Communicator & Spiritual Business Mentor.

Being in the Flow - How to surrender and find empowering interpretations through any challenge.

Dr Odette Suter

Holisitc Veterinarian & author

Be the Expert in Your Field - Find out what it takes to be the expert & build your business with that.

Anna Twinney & Vin Mancarella

Creators of Reach Out to Horses

How to Scale in the Pet Industry with Intent - Using core values in Business

Ian Pederson 

Founder and CEO of Source CBD


Day 3. Wednesday, March 08, 2023

(Starts at 6:30 am, EST. Expires Friday, March 10 at 6:31 am, EST)

Attract Consistent Clients with Referral Marketing -Boost business with key partners

Megan Ayrault & Lisa Ruthig

Mentors with the Power of Touch for Animals' TEAM Mentorship Program for animal bodywork professionals.

Transformational Websites - Webite "must haves" based on the latest studies.

Rita Hogan

Canine Herbalist, educator, speaker, writer, formulator, and herbal medicine maker.

The Importance of Relationships - How do human connections build your business?

Kathleen Prasad

Founder of Animal Reiki Source and president of the Shelter Animal Reiki Association

Target your Audience in Social Media & Monetize - How to "dial in" your content & create lasting clients.

Kimberly Gauthier 

Creator of Keep the Tail Wagging Blog


Day 4. Thursday, March 09, 2023

(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Saturday, March 11 at 6:31 am, EST)

Go International with Words - How to gain worldwide recognition without spending money.

Amy Snow

Co-Founder of Tallgrass Publishers and Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Resources

The Power of Webinars and Podcasts - 

Wendy Murdoch

Internationally known riding instructor/clinician, author and inventor.

Succeed with Achievable, Actionable Goals

Meghan Brady

Equine body worker, trainer, rider, transformational life coach & entrepreneurship and business coach.

The #1 Block to Your Success​

Leah D'Ambrosio

COO and co-founder of Baked Smart & co-founder of Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA).


Day 5. Friday, March 10, 2023

(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Sunday, March 12 at 6:31am, EST)

The Importance of People Skills - How fluid communication supports your business.

Nikki Ivey

Founder of DogSpeak

Monetizing with Memberships - Creating income flow with content

Lisa Spector

The Pet Calming Maestro

The Power of Virtual Services - How online services benefit You as well as your clients.​

Michelle Stern

Licensed Dog Mediator, Behavior Counselor and Certified Professional Dog Trainer

Lifelong Learning, the Link to Your Success!- Your business only grows as much as you do.

Ana Maria Vasquez

Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive

Niche Down to Blow Up - Concentrate your focus and multiply your money.

Corinne Gearhart

The Doodle Pro


These 21 experts offer thier secrets to success for ANY business working with animals. 

Claim your FREE ticket below to learn from the pros!

Tune into the podcast, Transcendent AF with Iena SpiritWalker.
You can click the images below, or search for it wherever you listen to podcasts.

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