Iena SpiritWalker
Internationally known Psychic, Healer & Elite Transformation Coach.
27 years experience!

Day 1. Monday, March 06, 2023
(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Wed. March 8 at 6:31 am, EST)
Day 1. Monday, March 06, 2023
(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Wed. March 8 at 6:31 am, EST)

Make Yourself Known to Grow Your Business - Practical tips to get your business recognized!​
Make Yourself Known to Grow Your Business - Practical tips to get your business recognized!​
Dr. Judy Morgan
Integrative Veterinarian, acupuncturist, chiropractor, food therapist, author, and speaker.

Jumping off the Deep End - Tapping into your own, unique Gifts.
Jumping off the Deep End - Tapping into your own, unique Gifts.
Stormy May
Expert on the Horse and Human Bond

Flexability + Balance = Success - An invaluable tool for business and life.
Flexability + Balance = Success - An invaluable tool for business and life.
Thom Somes & Cindy Buzas
Founders of Pet Tech

3 Tips for Building a Successful Team - How to create a team that will fully support your business.
3 Tips for Building a Successful Team - How to create a team that will fully support your business.
Ruby Balaram
CEO and Founder of Real Dog Box
Day 2. Tuesday, March 07, 2023
(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Thursday, March 9 at 6:31 am, EST)
Day 2. Tuesday, March 07, 2023
(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Thursday, March 9 at 6:31 am, EST)

Don't think and Grow Rich - How to serve with a whole heart, embrace the spirit of money and claim your entrepreneurial power.
Don't think and Grow Rich - How to serve with a whole heart, embrace the spirit of money and claim your entrepreneurial power.
Sarah-Jane Farrell
International Trauma Informed Life Coach, Animal Communicator & Spiritual Business Mentor.

Being in the Flow - How to surrender and find empowering interpretations through any challenge.
Being in the Flow - How to surrender and find empowering interpretations through any challenge.
Dr Odette Suter
Holisitc Veterinarian & author

Be the Expert in Your Field - Find out what it takes to be the expert & build your business with that.
Be the Expert in Your Field - Find out what it takes to be the expert & build your business with that.
Anna Twinney & Vin Mancarella
Creators of Reach Out to Horses

How to Scale in the Pet Industry with Intent - Using core values in Business
How to Scale in the Pet Industry with Intent - Using core values in Business
Ian Pederson
Founder and CEO of Source CBD
Day 3. Wednesday, March 08, 2023
(Starts at 6:30 am, EST. Expires Friday, March 10 at 6:31 am, EST)
Day 3. Wednesday, March 08, 2023
(Starts at 6:30 am, EST. Expires Friday, March 10 at 6:31 am, EST)

Attract Consistent Clients with Referral Marketing -Boost business with key partners
Attract Consistent Clients with Referral Marketing -Boost business with key partners
Megan Ayrault & Lisa Ruthig
Mentors with the Power of Touch for Animals' TEAM Mentorship Program for animal bodywork professionals.

Transformational Websites - Webite "must haves" based on the latest studies.
Transformational Websites - Webite "must haves" based on the latest studies.
Rita Hogan
Canine Herbalist, educator, speaker, writer, formulator, and herbal medicine maker.

The Importance of Relationships - How do human connections build your business?
The Importance of Relationships - How do human connections build your business?
Kathleen Prasad
Founder of Animal Reiki Source and president of the Shelter Animal Reiki Association

Target your Audience in Social Media & Monetize - How to "dial in" your content & create lasting clients.
Target your Audience in Social Media & Monetize - How to "dial in" your content & create lasting clients.
Kimberly Gauthier
Creator of Keep the Tail Wagging Blog
Day 4. Thursday, March 09, 2023
(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Saturday, March 11 at 6:31 am, EST)
Day 4. Thursday, March 09, 2023
(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Saturday, March 11 at 6:31 am, EST)

Go International with Words - How to gain worldwide recognition without spending money.
Go International with Words - How to gain worldwide recognition without spending money.
Amy Snow
Co-Founder of Tallgrass Publishers and Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Resources

The Power of Webinars and Podcasts -
The Power of Webinars and Podcasts -
Wendy Murdoch
Internationally known riding instructor/clinician, author and inventor.

Succeed with Achievable, Actionable Goals
Succeed with Achievable, Actionable Goals
Meghan Brady
Equine body worker, trainer, rider, transformational life coach & entrepreneurship and business coach.

The #1 Block to Your Success​
The #1 Block to Your Success​
Leah D'Ambrosio
COO and co-founder of Baked Smart & co-founder of Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA).
Day 5. Friday, March 10, 2023
(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Sunday, March 12 at 6:31am, EST)
Day 5. Friday, March 10, 2023
(Starts 6:30 am, EST. Expires Sunday, March 12 at 6:31am, EST)

The Importance of People Skills - How fluid communication supports your business.
The Importance of People Skills - How fluid communication supports your business.
Nikki Ivey
Founder of DogSpeak

Monetizing with Memberships - Creating income flow with content
Monetizing with Memberships - Creating income flow with content
Lisa Spector
The Pet Calming Maestro

The Power of Virtual Services - How online services benefit You as well as your clients.​
The Power of Virtual Services - How online services benefit You as well as your clients.​
Michelle Stern
Licensed Dog Mediator, Behavior Counselor and Certified Professional Dog Trainer

Lifelong Learning, the Link to Your Success!- Your business only grows as much as you do.
Lifelong Learning, the Link to Your Success!- Your business only grows as much as you do.
Ana Maria Vasquez
Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive

Niche Down to Blow Up - Concentrate your focus and multiply your money.
Niche Down to Blow Up - Concentrate your focus and multiply your money.
Corinne Gearhart
The Doodle Pro